Control: reassign src:gnome-session 47.0.1-1
Control: severity -1 wishlist
On Thu, Feb 27, 2025 at 7:00 AM Stephan Verbücheln
Post by Stephan VerbüchelnPlease remove the package dependency in order to enable users to
install gdm3 without xwayland.
gdm3 doesn't directly depend on xwayland so I'm reassigning.
Ubuntu moves the Depends: xwayland from gnome-session-bin to
gnome-session. That makes sense to me since it's only a Wayland
session that would need xwayland.
Your proposal lacks an argument for why you think allowing people to
not have xwayland installed is needed. Unfortunately, the Debian GNOME
team has years of experience with people thinking they are getting a
superior less bloated Debian by installing Debian without Recommends.
Having apps that are not native Wayland silently fail to run for those
people feels bad to me.
Thank you,
Jeremy Bícha