Santiago Ruano Rincón
2024-11-05 05:50:01 UTC
PermalinkVersion: 2.120.0
Severity: wishlist
X-Debbugs-Cc: Debian Pan Maintainers <pkg-javascript-***>, Yadd <***>, Daniel Baumann <***>
Dear lintian maintainers,
I would like to request a lintian tag to make package maintainers aware
of the obsolescence of twitter-bootstrap3 and twitter-bootstrap4.
These two packages are EOL'ed upstream, there are a couple of CVE open
for them, and upstream is not publicly proposing fixes.
I agree with the comment by Moritz
( that
packages should move their dependencies to boostrap 5
(src:bootstrap-html), which is the current version supported upstream.
AFAIU, bootstrap 5 is not just a drop-in replacement, and so there is
work on the upstream side. To guide package maintainers and upstream
developers, lintian could include the following links in the tag info:
I am planing to discuss a mass-bug-filling in debian-devel too, but a
lintian tag would help anyway, especially for packages adding a new
dependency on the two old bootstrap versions.
Any thoughts?
-- Santiago