Bug#1093596: chkrootkit autopkgtest failure when not running dhclient
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Helmut Grohne
2025-01-20 09:50:01 UTC
Source: chkrootkit
Version: 0.58b-3
Severity: important

chkrootkit fails its autopkgtest when the containment environment is not
running dhclient. The ci.debian.net infrastructure is running dhclient
and there the test output looks like this:

| ...
| Checking `sniffer'... WARNING
| WARNING: Output from ifpromisc:
| lo: not promisc and no packet sniffer sockets
| eth0: PACKET SNIFFER(/usr/sbin/dhclient[129], /usr/sbin/dhclient[86])
| ...

If instead running systemd-networkd, the output looks like this:

| ...
| Checking `sniffer'... not found
| ...
| **** Test for '^Checking `sniffer'\.\.\. WARNING$'
| <No match (FAIL)>

| ...
| *** Reason(s) for failure follows
| Result: FAIL

| Missing: ^Checking `sniffer'\.\.\. WARNING$
| Missing: ^WARNING: Output from ifpromisc:$
| Missing: ^lo: not promisc and no packet sniffer sockets$
| *** Unexpected (unmatched) lines follow (for info):
| Checking `sniffer'... not found
| ...

I believe that this is a broken test that should be fixed.

R Lewis
2025-01-21 09:00:01 UTC
Post by Helmut Grohne
chkrootkit fails its autopkgtest when the containment environment is not
running dhclient. The ci.debian.net infrastructure is running dhclient
Post by Helmut Grohne
| Missing: ^lo: not promisc and no packet sniffer sockets$
I believe that this is a broken test that should be fixed.
i agree, i will take a look this week. While it is an issue in the test, I
know things pass in sbuild+ unshare which doesnt have any dhclient.

I have not checked but from the above i think that the issue is actually
that your container doesnt even have the "lo" interface configured?

It is still true that the test should work without lo, or bring it up that
if it wants it available, but i wanted to check that was intentional part
of debusine?

sbuild does a
system("ip", "link", "set", "lo", "up")
if networking is disabled (in sbuild-libnsexec) so this would be a
