Helmut Grohne
2025-01-20 09:50:01 UTC
PermalinkVersion: 0.58b-3
Severity: important
chkrootkit fails its autopkgtest when the containment environment is not
running dhclient. The ci.debian.net infrastructure is running dhclient
and there the test output looks like this:
| ...
| Checking `sniffer'... WARNING
| WARNING: Output from ifpromisc:
| lo: not promisc and no packet sniffer sockets
| eth0: PACKET SNIFFER(/usr/sbin/dhclient[129], /usr/sbin/dhclient[86])
| ...
If instead running systemd-networkd, the output looks like this:
| ...
| Checking `sniffer'... not found
| ...
| **** Test for '^Checking `sniffer'\.\.\. WARNING$'
| <No match (FAIL)>
| ...
| *** Reason(s) for failure follows
| Result: FAIL
| Missing: ^Checking `sniffer'\.\.\. WARNING$
| Missing: ^WARNING: Output from ifpromisc:$
| Missing: ^lo: not promisc and no packet sniffer sockets$
| *** Unexpected (unmatched) lines follow (for info):
| Checking `sniffer'... not found
| ...
I believe that this is a broken test that should be fixed.